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Current Events Archive 2014

Headline Stories

Regulator in Chief With 2 years to go Obama has already added over 21,000 new regulations so far 12/31

Over 87% of Obamacare subscribers getting subsidies. 12/30

El Rey, Felipe VI. Christmas Address 12/26

Do we need More Inflation? 12/12

College Censorship 12/12

Petroleum and the Laws of Supply and Demand 12/12

Is China #1? 12/5

Is the Sky Falling? 12/5

Increased racial Tension as a result of police Actions 12/5

Now Gov by Memo 12/26

Rolling Stone Rape Story was Fiction. 12/9

How much did Gruber get from Gov for his Lies on Obamacare 12/9

More Nixonian than Nixon? 11/22

Is there a Constitutional Crisis Brewing 11/21

Are taxes fair to the Rich? 11/15

Putin refuses to back down from Aggressive actions. 11/14

What does it cost to pay an MIT Economist to lie?  11/14

Chinese join US electorate in turning on Obama 11/10

Obama's new "penpal" unveils plan to destroy Israel. 11/10

Is President Obama unaware of the results of Tuesday's elections? 11/7

Obama administation releases over 60,000 pages of documenfs. 11/5

Voters deal historic smackdown to Obama and Democrats 11/5

Europe Still Tops List of most Prosperous 11/7



Mussolini's World War II bunker.
Is the Opportunity Cost more dangerous
than the choice? 10/31



How important is free speech on

college campuses? 11/1



Dems being accused of using race

baiting. 10/31



Voters expected to deal Obama major

defeats 11/3




Politics of Ebola 10/31




Ebola Quarantine  Challenged  10/31

Luxemburg gives its Monarch, The Grand Duke a raise. 11/3

Archive on former website

Are you... doing worthless exercises?

What do you think?

Bus Accident in China

Low Value of Some Degrees

Why Fear of Deflation?

Democratic Post election denial

Gov slashes estimate for Obamacare signups.

What was recently found in Idaho?

What Fish can walk on land?.


Why did the President demote another high military officer?

Which President Disarmed the most nuclear weapons?

Human Interest and/or Misc


Another Obama Bait & Switch

The Whatever Tree at LHS

The Russian Economy

Over Criminalization

Torture Methods

Princely Twins

Salary Guide for Your Future

The Case Against Internet Regulation

Treasury Ponzi Scam

Thanksgiving Pardons

Administration Coverup?

Which Country's President has the largest palace?

Left "cannot let fact checking get in way of agenda"

Deflation Fears


Increasing Your Probability of Happiness

China and US Debt

The Ten Worst Architectural Mistakes Made

Is The Debate on Ozone Killing Jobs?

Imperial Presidency

Black Friday Sales

Japanese WWII Attack on CA?

Which King's Remains were Found Under a Parking Lot?

Historical Ignorance

Nature of innovation Today

Isis "degraded" tob where they issue own currency

Minimum Wage

China's Slowing Economy

Jobs where you are Most/Least likely to find spouse

Surprised?  Obamacare Numbers Were Inflated

New Star Wars and Jurassic Park Trailers

Past Lessons from The Depression ignored

Young Obama Restaurant Review

Sex Scandal

With the Left the agenda is more important than the truth

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