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Lopez Address To The Liberty School Board 11/18

"We are gold ribbon schools not because of our phones or textbooks but because we have a gold ribbon faculty"

Mr. Fallows

"Mr. Pennington"

How Does a Public School Make a Profit?

Each year the school district receives funding from the state for the purpose of providing an education to the students in our community.


While the district is required to have a modest reserve, our school district's reserves are in excess of $10,000,000 and it is expected to grow by another $2,000,,000 plus in the current school year.


The actual "surplus" funds over the past several years is actually at least $6,000,000 greater because the district has shifted this amount from the reserves into capital accounts.


Since our district does not generate income, the only way that the district can be building up the reserves is by not spending the funds provided by the state. In other words by siphoning funds from our operations.


During recent years of "famine" where budgets were tighter and our funding from the state was significantly reduced, the district asked the teachers to accept reduced compensation so as to avoid cuts to various student programs.


"It is the workers bees that make the honey, that control production"

Hillary Pedrotti, LEA President


     Year          Revenue            Expenses         "Other"              Ending                   Reserve as %             Profit/ (Loss)     

    2005         $35,877,829       $35,599,271     ($599,503)         $1,822,995                        5.1%                      ($320,945)

    2006           41,226,341         40,867,603         (86,563)           2,095,170                        5.1%                        272,175

    2007           51,744,204         48,829,757    (1,303,461)           3,706,156                        7.2%                      1,610,986

    2008           53,408,838         52,248,128       (814,643)           4,052,223                        7.6%                        346,067

    2009           56,110,844         53,213,690        255,029            7,204,406                       12.8%                     3,152,183

    2010           51,044,670         52,259,649     (1,112,470)          5,353,435                        10.5%                   (1,850,971)

    2011           55,037,910         51,796,070     (1,160,747)          7,434,528                        13.5%                    2,081,093

    2012           56,306,869         52,371,837     (1,157,988)        10,211,479                        18.1%                    2,777,044

    2013           56,588,535         53,964,156     (4,960,994)          7,589,509                        13.4%                   (2,336,614)

    2014           60,960,005         57,573,564     (2,000,000)          8,975,950                        14.7%                    1,386,441

    2015           68,675,211                                                          10,122,701                       14.7%                    1,146,751

    2016           79,624,986                                                          14,809,348                       18.6%                    4,686,647       



 These numbers are from  and while unaudited they vwere provided by the district each year. 



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